WordPress Maintenance

Web developer performing website security checks


WordPress websites are vulnerable to security threats such as malware and hacking. A maintenance plan can help to protect your website by regularly scanning for and fixing security vulnerabilities.


Monthly maintenance can help to optimize the performance of your website by regularly checking for and fixing any issues that could be slowing it down.

Web designer optimizing a website for page loading speed improvements
Web designer performing WordPress website updates


Regular updates ensure that your website is always running the latest version of WordPress and its plugins, which can help to prevent issues and improve performance.


Your websites content, media files and database are backedup regularly. Your files are stored securely off site using secure cloud storage. Should disaster strike, I am able to restore your website from a recent backup.

Web hosting technician configuring a web server
Web designer updating WordPress plugins

Premium Plugins

You receive free licensing for the premium WordPress themes and plugins I use to build your website; you do not have to purchase any licences as long as you subscribe to my Monthly Maintenance Plan.

Ready to get started?

Contact me today to learn how my worry-free website maintenance plan can give you more time back.